You absolutely hit magic when you didn't take photos. That's how we know, nowadays, that we are content in the moment. That we want to see with our eyes instead the camera lens.

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Exactly! I felt so at peace floating through the trees, and the idea of getting my camera rot felt counter to the moment.

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That sounds so magical. I have a favorite place to go to nearby my home. It's a little pond full of frogs. I like to circle it and hear all the frogs jump and croak. It's funny and cute!

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Ah yes I love little croaky frogs! I can hear them in my head. They sound lovely.

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Yes! some of them make such cute sounds. Others have very low croaks, it's hilarious!

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I spent a week in Naples FL for a wetland mitigation workshop. My hotel was a couple blocks from the beach where you’d after through a mangrove arbor, their adventitious roots arthritic in their reaching....I fell in love with the mangroves and walked them morning and night that whole week.

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